About AllGameAllFree.com

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About Us

www.allgamesallfree.com is a completely free game site. You may be wondering how we can afford to let you play all these games at no cost. The answer is simple, our sponsors pay for all our expenses. We would also like to mention that we are a pop up free website, we always have been and always will be. Our only ad is the one on the right and the small ads on the left. This way the site continues to stay a fun and safe place to play games that's not overdosed with ads.

Our Owned Domains:


http://www.allgamesallfree.com/Backup is our entire old layout unchanged, for those who never got the chance to see it. www.agafgames.com is simply a quick way to access allgamesallfree.com, when you go there it automatically redirects to our homepage. Excellent for those who don't want to type out www.allgamesallfree.com Both our .net and .org names are exactly the same as www.allgamesallfree.com except it will say .net or .org in the address bar where it would say .com. We purchased these domain names to keep the allgamesallfree name unique, and to increase our traffic.

This is the current AGAF(Allgamesallfree) team:

Max Stein - Web master and founder of www.allgamesallfree.com net and org. I work everyday coding new things and adding new games and other updates, or other wise improving on the site.

Matt Rutherford - Matt is an excellent php coder who helped design a lot of the layout and format of the current website, he has helped me from the start.

Matthew Petrosky - Our newest team member, he has worked on advertising, site design, and is a game manager.