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Description: Solitaire is a card game. This is a classic solitaire game. The aim of this game solo is the same: from a deck of 52 cards, 4 batteries rebuild of cards in each color, from Ace to King. The game includes 7 visible columns: the first column consists of a card face up, the second column of a card face concealed and a card face up, the third column of two cards face hidden and a card face visible, the fourth column of three cards face hidden and a card face up and so on until the seventh column. You can return the cards one by one from the package in the top left of the screen. Let each column alternates red and black, and start with a king if the column is empty. Place the stack or as a result of the cards can be done in three ways (from the slowest to fastest): perform a drag and drop the card with the left button, as with any movement of cards, double-click the card stack with the left button, right-click anywhere in the window, in this case the cards are stacked instantaneously displaced. Note that the distribution of cards is random for each game.

Plays: 11064

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Comments on solitaire :

User 13290
Sep 24, 2022


User 12457
Dec 22, 2016

the best classic game ever