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European Roulette Game

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Author: roulettedoc

Description: This is single-zero European roulette game with the most attractive winning expectations. The house edge in the game is 2.6% which makes European roulette to be the most popular among the players. The payouts vary from even money (on most outside bets) to 35 to 1 maximum (on single number bet). European roulette is very easy to play: 1. First the player must choose the chip ($1, $5, $25, $100) by left-click on colored chips on the table. 2. Make a bet by choosing the betting area on the table and placing the chip on it by left-click of a mouse. To place several chips the player must click on the chosen area several times. 3. To start the wheel spinning the player clicks “Spin” button. 4. Among the other options the player can choose are: “Clear” – allows to cancel the bet, and “Rebet” – allows to repeat the previous bet. 5. To start the game over again after the player runs out of money, he must choose “Restart” option.

Plays: 3795

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User 9026
Sep 24, 2022
