Mexican Train Dominoes - now playing on AllGamesAllFree

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Mexican Train Dominoes

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Author: dillydallygames

Description: Online version of the Mexican Train Dominoes Game. Simple instructions are included with the game.

Plays: 3675234

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Comments on Mexican Train Dominoes:

User 5893
Sep 24, 2022


User 1444
Dec 27, 2017

the pieces stick and become unplayable really frustrating- fix this issue

User 9270
Sep 6, 2016

the game is hard

User 2587
Jul 4, 2016

I would write a comment if the game would load. No instructions anywhere.

User 9377
Jan 27, 2015

Very funny puzzle

User 8384
Oct 9, 2011

Your MEXICAN TRAIN Game freezes all the time

User 13034
Sep 28, 2011

Trouble controlling tiles? Try dragging a second tile over the wild one.

User 8475
Sep 3, 2011

Hi, all, I have found that we are playing against the computer so you can take your time and line up your domino's, got to the kitchen, restroom, it just waits for you to come back -------also that you have to wait until the domino stops droping (moving) before you play it or you freeze up and can not play it. I play this all the time, and no problems. since I got a little patience lol Bobby

User 970
Aug 12, 2011

Yes, I must admit, between it freezing the domino's and going so fast, it seems more work then fun. I like to enjoy a game.

User 2863
Aug 12, 2011

I can play about 2-3 rounds, then for some strange reason I draw a bone and I can not get it up on the train, it just floats down below and will not go above the line. Is it my computer or is someone else have the same problem?

User 7991
Aug 9, 2011

how do i notify that "i cant cover double"?

User 10144
Apr 16, 2011

this game is alsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User 3015
Feb 28, 2011

it is a very good games that i play regularly

User 12648
Jan 12, 2011

What's with the hand-gun in the web address window???

User 8572
Nov 29, 2010

If the others in the game do not play the end one cannot draw. and trying to cheat is not good sportsmanship

User 3796
Nov 21, 2010

Someone never plays by the rules I can guess who.
But will wait a whil before naming names

User 6421
Nov 9, 2010

it seems to me that the person last name (you) on board draws for all and is left with theit dominoes as wll as their own

User 5150
Oct 2, 2010

new member how do I get open train to appear.

User 6093
Oct 2, 2010

new member how do I get open train to appear.

User 7511
Oct 2, 2010

new member how do I get open train to aopear.

User 10756
Oct 2, 2010

what the hell do i do in the undefined round?

User 7844
Sep 18, 2010

I'm just getting Pokemon ads now - no Mexican Train

User 3135
May 28, 2010

For those of you having problems with your dominoes "sticking" to the pointer, it may be because you're clicking on the domino too soon after you draw. You have to let the domino drop down and stop moving before you can click on it. I had the same issue, and this stopped the problem.

User 14128
Feb 28, 2010

I Love this game however there are still some glitches after playing the game for a while your dominoes get stuck and you have to either make a choice to end your game or wait it out they stick and its annoying...also the computer moves way to fast if you could find a way to slow it down so that it could be enjoyable so that you could at least see the moves that the other players are making that would be appreciative....than this would be the absolute perfect game...i do love this game and think it is most enjoyable though.

User 14408
Feb 21, 2010

Computer slaps down dominos, WAY faster than a human could (almost could be considered cheating), dominos stick to mouse and have to start the WHOLE game over. The computer players should be slowed down, so us mere mortals actually a a slim chance to actually get close to winning!

User 14614
Feb 21, 2010

Computer slaps down dominos, WAY faster than a human could (almost could be considered cheating), dominos stick to mouse and have to start the WHOLE game over. The computer players should be slowed down, so us mere mortals actually a a slim chance to actually get close to winning!

User 9864
Feb 16, 2010

My domino always gets stuck doesn't move. I'm with betwalk - it happens every game!

User 2609
Feb 16, 2010

My domino always gets stuck doesn't move

User 622
Dec 25, 2009

cant load on my mac

User 14194
Aug 30, 2009

why is it when I played today that every time the same computer player went out for 15 straight hands? I think that seems very strange and maybe something needs to be fixed.

User 7529
Jul 15, 2009

I love this game.

User 6515
Jul 4, 2009

I love this game. It works well on my PC. It does move the opponents a bit too fast, but that doesn't bother me too much. What I find VERY annoying, though, is when I am playing a great game and have just a few rounds to go and I draw a domino and am unable to play it. VERY VERY AGGRAVATING!!!

User 638
Jun 20, 2009

Haven't fixed it yet?? Still can't play on my Mac.

User 1799
May 1, 2009

Something seems to be wrong on Mac computers, Idk why. Works fine for me but Im on windows...Im going to see if I can fix it.

User 9102
May 1, 2009

can't load this game on my Mac
please help

User 10014
Apr 20, 2009

I am finding that the "glitches" are gone. Now if you could just slow it down and add some sound effects it would be close to perfect. Maybe you could develop a game with more players.

User 10182
Apr 15, 2009

Does anyone read our comments? Let us know if you are working on this game.

User 7135
Apr 14, 2009

Will someone please tell me when the Mexican Train will be fixed?

User 3489
Apr 12, 2009

Love the game but there are too many little glitches. Freezes, too fast, my arrow acts like a magnet and can't release. Please let's see some changes or explanations.

User 11151
Apr 3, 2009

helloooooo what revamp, upgrade did you do that I am no longer able to upload this game on my Mac I am having withdrawals :(

User 9998
Mar 30, 2009

Why make comments if it isn't going to help?

User 11480
Mar 28, 2009

I also have a Mac and played twice==now it won't load Help, Help, I loved it.

User 6295
Mar 26, 2009

why am I no longer able to bring this game up on my mac ????? :( :(

User 13012
Mar 24, 2009

it was very good. it took some of my time with it's simplicity although it lacks sounds...

User 9128
Mar 1, 2009

Fun to play, but moves way too fast fpr me. Also, my dominoes keep "freezing".

User 14866
Mar 1, 2009

Fun to play, but moves way too fast fpr me. Also, my dominoes keep "freezing"

User 1808
Mar 1, 2009

Fun to play, but moves way too fast fpr me. Also, my dominoes keep "freezing"

User 549
Jan 3, 2009

Very good version of Mexican Train Dominoes.

User 5015
Nov 10, 2008

A good version of Mexican train. Wish it showed slower what each player is playing. Also slow down the end of game. A set of rules for this computer version would be nice.

User 7900
Nov 10, 2008

A good version of Mexican train. Wish it showed slower what each player is playing. Also slow down the end of game. A set of rules for this computer version would be nice.