Alliant DotC (Cheat enabled) - now playing on AllGamesAllFree

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Alliant DotC (Cheat enabled)

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Author: FlashGameDistribution

Description: The year 3087. The earth resources have finally met their end. In order to survive the human race must find another planet to sustain. After five years of research a new planet was dicovered. A planet that is already inhabited... Instructions This real time strategy game (RTS) is using the mouse cursor to select, build and order units. Press X key to pause the game. Press E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P keys to build barracks. Press 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 keys to train unit soldier. Press W and S keys to scroll up and down. Dont forget to use the upgrade options at the starmap. For more instruction look at help section. This is cheat enabled version! CHEAT - In map press space key - gain 999 skill points - In map press delete key - open next level - In game press backspace - gain 10.000 money - In game press esc - instant win the level

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Comments on Alliant DotC (Cheat enabled):

User 13971
Sep 24, 2022
