Endless Zombie Rampage - now playing on AllGamesAllFree

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Endless Zombie Rampage

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3.8 / 5 from 2260 votes

Author: Uploaded by Admin

Description: Great Zombie Game that has tons and tons of different upgrades and weapons. Includes exp that you use as currency, can you survive the never ending zombie onslaught?

Plays: 162798

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Comments on Endless Zombie Rampage:

User 4659
Sep 24, 2022


User 12314
Feb 2, 2013

Hi I know this comment is NOT about the game but PLEASE go to:

they are funny, cute, and good singers! btw I am NOT them

User 7468
Dec 16, 2010

. kiss your hand 2. say your crushes name 3. post this on 2 other games. 4. look at your hand

User 9699
Dec 16, 2010

who wants sex

User 9986
Dec 16, 2010

. kiss your hand 2. say your crushes name 3. post this on 2 other games. 4. look at your hand

User 811
Dec 16, 2010

. kiss your hand 2. say your crushes name 3. post this on 2 other games. 4. look at your hand

User 13883
Dec 28, 2008

blood and guts every were!!!

User 5686
Dec 10, 2008

tons of shooting zombie hordes!

User 6527
Jun 10, 2008

This game is awesome!!!